
*riccicutie's world*
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doc rowsee's send off coffee session

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

doc rowsee's leaving tonight for US, so there goes another coffee session last night.

as usual, i was plucked out by candy with rowsee and cacay. brought my rebel only to find out later that i forgot to bring the memory card. shet. sayang ang moments. i even brought the flash and the light diffuser. sayang talaga. *note to self, check gears and accessories before leaving home!!!*

gracie was dropped by hubby dubby dem, kiddies and yayas in tow. then epols who looked flawlessly radiant in her newly peeled skin. greysi was next to arrive with hubby dubby kim, who was looking for a "playmate" to go with him at daang hari. jef, in pajamas ang long sleeve shirt dropped by, with boom and anton who's also in pajamas. cute! he didn't last long, only said his hi's and hello's.

chikka for the night, let the adiks spread that the reason why doc is leaving is because she's jontis, and the culprit is "someone from her past".

4:01 PM :: ::
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