
*riccicutie's world*
:::notes, thoughts, adventures, attempts, photos, escapades, make-believes, realities, all me:::

Saturday, April 28, 2007

it's a long weekend for me. am supposed to be attending a wedding this day, but had to stay behind since lola will be left along at home. but it's still okay since lola and i will be attending the birthday party of one of our neighbors (she turns 80), so there's still free food for me.

tomorrow, sunday, i'll be joining the company outing to montemar bataan. i had thoughts of letting this off, since i've already been there 3 or 4 years ago (company outing, too), but then, why let this pass? there's free food, aircondtioned room and a view of the sea. besides, i am a part of the committee for this event, guess which part? no, not photo, it's the food committee this time! i'll be back on monday evening.

tuesday is a nationwide holiday, because it's spiderman's first run!

right now, as i write, there are two electric fans aimed right through me and a full glass of ice cold ice tea (rendundant na!). yeah, the house is one big steam house, and we're all turning into shiomais here!

2:24 PM :: ::
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