
*riccicutie's world*
:::notes, thoughts, adventures, attempts, photos, escapades, make-believes, realities, all me:::

forgetful ricci

Thursday, March 01, 2007

On last days of the month, payday to be exact, I sort out my credit card receipts for proper tracking of my expenses (the statement of account should tally with the total amount found in the receipts), then I separate the amount to paid.

So yesterday, being payday and the last day of the month, I went to this routine. Trisha was sitting beside me and she's counting money for her savings. Imagine my messy workplace piled up with money (yeah, lotsa lotsa.. hahha!), credit card billing and receipts.

While I was sorting out receipts (I pile them by dates in ascending order), I was stuck with one - a receipt that shows that I bought an item from SM Makati that has an amount of P999. It was dated February 16, Friday. Next to it was another receipt, having the same date, and the same amount, but it was bought at Glorietta. In short, I bought two items on Friday night with the same amount. Then I remembered that the one bought at Glorietta was a dress from YRYS. But I couldn't remember the item from SM Makati. I was thinking if those were toiletries, but if those were, why have the exact amount of 999. It should be a single item, like another dress perhaps. I was at wit's end, and on the verge of banging my head on the wall.

I tried hard to remember what it was, but I couldn't. I even told Trish

"Trish, baka nabiktima ako that day, baka na-hipnotize ako.. shyet"

When I was about to go home, I dropped by at Sandra's place to say good-bye. Then I told her about my dilemma. She smiled and she pointed the bakya I'm wearing. Goodness! I failed to remember that I bought a happy feet that night. And how did she knew that it was the object of my confusion? There was an instance in the past where another officemate, RM, was asking Sandra how much a happy feet costs. I told Sandra that it doesn't cost over a thousand. And she replied "so, mga 999 pesos yun?"

This scares me. Nowadays, I easily forget things. Not the type that one would describe as the nasa-dulo-na-ng-dila. Mine is plain and simple - I.DO.NOT.REMEMBER.ANYTHING! It's as if a part of my memory has been sucked out, leaving a void in my head.

Memory gap? Maybe I should start taking vitamins for this.

9:11 AM :: ::
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