
*riccicutie's world*
:::notes, thoughts, adventures, attempts, photos, escapades, make-believes, realities, all me:::

at the Bedroom

Sunday, November 19, 2006


before going to the bedroom, there's the bathroom rituals first. we have to look gorgeous for the night. here's Jane and Roxy, getting their hair done. Roxy even brought a curling iron, how kikay could we get?


we have to fill our stomachs first before plunging to the drinking spree. Janin said we should have dinner first at a 'cheap place', so off we went to the newly opened KFC in Eastwood, expecting that there would be freebies.. but there was none, only poor service; the 'extra gravy' came too slow.


our drinks for the night. forgot the names of each one, but there's the sex on the beach, frozen orgasm, between the sheets, and of course, my flaming blow job!

if you've been on track with my boring life, you'd see that i don't actually drink, i seldom go out and the last party i've attended was the debut party of my sister. the only social activity i have is YM.. haha.. anyway, getting stuck in this bar on a friday night is kind of new to me. when the waiter handed out the menu, i was browsing through the non-alcoholic drinks when something pop in my mind, why not try something new? you only live once. and then i stumbled on this shooter, famously known as the blow job. when i saw that it has chocolate in it, all the more i became interested.

and the verdict? grabe, ang sarap! ang init! i wanted to have one more, but the price is just so, oh, you know me, kuripot.


me and the girls huggling. i'm loving these girls. too bad our team is coming to an end soon. so for now, we're making the most of our times. next friday night out is at the gay bar!


4:37 PM :: ::
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