
*riccicutie's world*
:::notes, thoughts, adventures, attempts, photos, escapades, make-believes, realities, all me:::


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

something must be wrong.

I missed a call this afternoon from the boss.  so I texted back this evening to ask why he called.  

Got a reply, "cno ka?"

i stated my name

"i thought u were in the training"

i replied back that im not feeling well.  well, it's true, clogged nose and all.. and o yeah, not to mention that i was on shift for the past 13 hours last night, and i'm still expected to attend a training the morning after, wide wide awake and fully alert.

he texted back a simple "ok"

but to my surprise, another txt came in.. and it said, "pagaling ka :p"

yes, there's really a smiley included in the txt message.  i had to re-read the message all over again.. something must be wrong.

but this is not the first time.. the past saturday night (i was on leave), i was awakened by his call, at around 1am.  he thought i was at the ofc that time, i told him i'm on leave.  i can't remember what he asked after that, but i know at the end of our conversation he said something like.. good night.  GOOD NIGHT??!!  

something must be wrong.

11:18 PM :: ::
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