
*riccicutie's world*
:::notes, thoughts, adventures, attempts, photos, escapades, make-believes, realities, all me:::


Sunday, February 06, 2005

i spent the day yesterday with the penguins. the day before, dodan asked me thru YM if i wanted to see real penguins. i replied yes. i love to watch the penguins on the national geographic channel. they always fascinate me, especially the way they walk :) just watching the penguins on tv really amuses me, and what more to see a real one face to face!

dodan and i met at robinson's place first and had lunch. afterwards, we took a jeepney going to harisson plaza. the penguins are located at the annex building. the entrance fee costs 120, 80 pesos for children 4 feet and below. the venue is not what we expected. according to dodan, parang perya ang ambiance. i was expecting to see many penguins, like 50. but when we reached inside, there were only 6 of them. they were smaller than i expected; a little over 1 and half feet only. i can't tell if they're happy or sad, well-fed or under nourished, but i think they're not having a bad time, though. we stood there for almost 3 hours, just watched them walk, swim, paddle and eat.

after seeing the penguins, i suggested we go to the intramuros, in the wow philippines area. the place was not as festive compared to the last time nanay and i went there. it was a year ago. no live bands, less people hanging around (i expected lots of people since it was a saturday), less noise...

i got home at past 8pm, tired but happy.

1:45 PM :: ::
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